
Peterson iPhone Bird Field GuidePeterson Birds of North America field guide app for the iPhone has been nominated for Best Outdoor App 2011 in the Best Apps Ever award. Congratulations to Appweavers, Inc., as this is quite an honor. You can vote in the awards through January 25, 2012. I happen to be working on a review of the app, which will be up sometime before then.

A Field Guide to the Birds of New ZealandA Field Guide to the Birds of New Zealand
by Julian Fitter and Don Merton

From the publisher (Princeton University Press):

New Zealand is commonly described as “the land of birds.” Now, there is an easy-to-use guide for all those interested in this country’s remarkable bird population. A Field Guide to the Birds of New Zealand contains over 600 stunning photographs of the more than 350 bird species likely to be seen in this area of the world. Comprehensive and compact, the book includes full descriptions of all native species and regular visitors, distribution maps and measurements, key information on national parks, and useful information on ongoing conservation efforts in the country. Filled with handy tips for nature enthusiasts wanting to make the most of their trip, this is the only bird guide that anyone exploring this region will need.

  • 600+ color photographs feature more than 350 bird species with full descriptions
  • Distribution maps and measurements
  • Key information on national parks helps readers find the best spots for bird sightings
  • Useful information on conservation efforts
  • Guidelines on sensible behavior for encountering nature at its best

This compact “pocket guide” would be very useful to anyone birding in Middle Earth, er…New Zealand.


A Field Guide to the Birds of New Zealand
by Julian Fitter and Don Merton
Paperback; 288 pages
Princeton University Press; January 23, 2012
ISBN: 9780691153513

Happy New Year! May it be filled with birds and books about them. Here are a few to look forward to.

Looks great!

Odds and Ends

November 29, 2011 | Comments (0)

It’s been kind of busy around here with the holidays and, oh yeah, the birth of our second child. Everyone is doing great, and we’re slowly getting back to “normal”. I’m slowly getting caught up with work (and sleep!), so more reviews will be coming soon. But in the meantime, here are some interesting items worth sharing.

Birdwatching With Your Eyes ClosedI greatly enjoyed Simon Barnes’ How to Be a Bad Birdwatcher, so I’m looking forward to his new one, Birdwatching With Your Eyes Closed, especially after John Riutta’s review at The Well-read Naturalist. Be sure to check out a series of podcasts about the book this week.

Looking for some extra special bird books? Here are Ian “Birdbooker” Paulsen’s best bird books from the last few years.

Finally, the American Birding Association is getting in on the post-Thanksgiving deals with their 48 hour sale on membership. Until midnight (Mountain), Nov 30th, 2011, save $10 on a new membership or renewal. I’ve already written about why you should join the ABA, and this offer only sweetens the deal.

Cerulean Blues: A Personal Search for a Vanishing SongbirdCerulean Blues: A Personal Search for a Vanishing Songbird
by Katie Fallon

From the publisher (Ruka Press):

In her new book Cerulean Blues, author Katie Fallon describes the plight of the cerulean warbler, a tiny migratory songbird, and its struggle to survive in ever-shrinking bands of suitable habitat. This elusive creature, a favorite among bird watchers (recently seen on the cover of Jonathan Franzen’s novel Freedom) and the fastest-declining warbler species in the United States, has lost 3% of its total population each year since 1966. This precipitous decline means that today there are 80% fewer ceruleans than forty years ago, and their numbers continue to drop because of threats including deforestation, global warming, and mountaintop removal coal mining.

With scientific rigor and a sense of wonder, Fallon leads readers on a journey of more than two thousand miles—from the top of the forest canopy in the ancient mountains of Appalachia to a coffee plantation near troubled Bogotá, Colombia—and shows how the fate of a creature weighing less than an ounce is vitally linked to our own.

It’s hard to pick a favorite warbler, but if I had to, Ceruleans would be a strong contender. I’m looking forward to reading this!


Cerulean Blues: A Personal Search for a Vanishing Songbird
by Katie Fallon
Paperback; 224 pages
Ruka Press; November 1, 2011
ISBN: 0983011117

National Geographic Field Guide to the Birds of North America, Sixth EditionNational Geographic Field Guide to the Birds of North America, Sixth Edition
by Jon L. Dunn and Jonathan Alderfer

From the publisher:

For beginning and experienced birders alike, this is the most comprehensive bird guide available anywhere—now lavishly redone with a refreshed design; 300 new illustrations; 23 new-to-North America species; major updates in text with the latest taxonomy and science; range maps with all-new migration overlays; 40 subspecies maps (unique to this guide); fully annotated illustrations with field marks; and an ultra-convenient visual index on the inside flaps.

National Geographic’s flagship bird guide is essential for bird identification—authoritative, portable, sturdy and easier than ever to use—a birding bible for all bird lovers.

This new edition adds some undeniably cool features to the venerable NatGeo field guide, such as subspecies range maps, and separate colors on maps to indicate spring, autumn, and ‘both’ migration routes (first time I’ve seen that). But is it worth upgrading? Be on the lookout for a detailed list of changes and additions that will hopefully help answer that question. [Update: here is that list – National Geographic Field Guide to the Birds of North America, Sixth Edition – Initial Review]

The good folks at Princeton University Press are giving away a signed copy of The Crossley ID Guide, along with a couple of signed, poster-sized prints of plates. All you have to do to enter is “like” the new Princeton Birds & Natural History Facebook page before Halloween.

Looking through Amazon’s bargain bird books (look for the “Bargain Books” link on the left), I noticed a few great deals:

At these prices, all of these books are very much worth it. And there are plenty of others, too…

FYI: these links, as with all Amazon and iTunes links on this site, are affiliate links. That means a small portion of any purchases made through them will go toward supporting this site.

It is inevitable. We have field guide, listing, and bird finding apps on our phones. It’s only a matter of time before these devices will identify birds for us. That day may be sooner rather than later. A University of Wisconsin–Madison ornithologist is working on an app that will ID bird song – WeBIRD.

Tip of the hat to Princeton University Press Blog.